Monday, December 6, 2010

Super Update!

I haven't updated in ages.  First off, my computer died.  Thankfully, I've been able to use my husband's computer.  So I hop on every now and then to do the basic computer-type things.

Second, I have been stuck at about 405-409lbs forever.  I really dislike hitting plateaus!!!  They are so frustrating, I have to tell you.  So this morning I decided to add some more exercise to my routine.  I went to bed at 10:30 and got out of bed at 5:30.  I came downstairs and I did some stretching then got on the treadmill and did some running.  Now running, I only did 1.5 minutes of and stopped.  That's ok with me, because when I use to not be able to walk, I only started out at about a minute and now I can walk everywhere!  So, babysteps.  This is my first day and I am not dissapointed.

So good things have happened since my last post.  In November, I went to Georgia to visit my friend Jamie who I haven't seen since 2008.  While I was there, we went to the grocery store so I could pick up some food to eat.  That was my first walk around a store since I had lost all that weight and it was, for me, exciting.  I hadn't walked around a grocery store, or any kind of store, in a long time.  Well over a year, maybe even two years.  Very thrilling.  I loved it.  My legs held up great!  My back hurt when we left, but that's to be expected.

Back here at home, we have a screen enclosed porch attached to the back of the unit we live in on base housing.  We haven't used it since moving in years ago so it was dirty and had spiders and webs.  Well, since becoming friends with my neighbors, who used theirs, I really wanted to clean mine out and buy some chairs and a table for it to hang out in.  My neighbor, Courtney, lent me her hose and I washed it out by myself.  It took about 40 minutes or so and I got it all cleaned out.  It looked great and I felt really proud of myself for doing it.  My husband helped me clean the mold off the paneling and wood, mostly because I'm short and couldn't reach it all by myself, haha!

After that, we went to Walmart together and we picked out a nice metal and glass table and two canvas chairs for the enclosed space.  I love it.  It looks fantastic and I completed that project and did shopping for it.  I really feel good about doing these things.

Thanksgiving went well!  My husband, son and I spent our Thanksgiving with our friends.  Everyone brought a dish and we all ate together.  I had never done anything like that and it was so wonderful.  I had a great time and I didn't feel weird about eating around people.  I didn't feel like people were staring at me either.  Also, I didn't over eat at all and I didn't feel the need to stack up my plate with food.

Therapy is going well.  I've been working on the issues I need to, to have the surgery.  But recently I found out that my Nana (my mother's mother) had thyroid problems, and my mother just had her thyroid removed and this issue has come up with my doctor as well.  Due due my hair loss, my facial hair growth, my polycystic overies and some bloodwork issues I'll have to see an endocrynologyst before considering surgery.  This is ok though, because if there are issues with my body, I want them taken care of so I can be healthy, especially if this means that I don't need to have surgery.  In the meantime, I am not giving up on my healthy eating and exercise.

Another exciting event for me was moving from sleeping on the couch to sleeping in my bed again with my husband.  For a long time, because of my weight, I wasn't able to sleep in my bed.  It was too painful on my knees, neck, back and stomach.  Now I can sleep in the bed once more.  It's great.  I get a much better night sleep than I ever did on the couch.  The couch was actually starting to cause me severe discomfort.  It's also good to be back in the bed with my husband.  I hadn't slept with him for years.

My husband and I also went out on a date recently!  I haven't been out on a date with him in ages.  Mostly because I have issues about eating in public.  We decided to go to a buffet for lunch which I was concerned about, not because of eating in front of people, but because it was a buffet that does Chinese, Japanese, American, Hibachi and Sushi.  I haven't binged in well over 8 months but I do still over eat sometimes. 

I feel I did great though.  The only fied food I had was pork fried rice and because I always measure my food at home, I'm pretty good at eyeballing my servings and I gave myself about 1/4 cup of that.  I didn't even fill my plate and I only made one trip.  I did lots of vegetables and their vegetables were great there!  They weren't soggy at all, lots of crisp veggies.  Though I stayed away from most of the stuff that was in sauces due to high sodium.  The best part of the meal for me though was the sushi, which is my favorite.  I had four pieces (they were smaller than the sizes of a American quarters).  To drink I had water, which is what I always drink at home.

When I left the resteraunt, I felt full and not like I was going to die from having stuffed myself which was a good feeling so I was proud of how well I did at the buffet.  So that was the first time I had eaten out since 2008, which was also the last time I was with Jamie.  She and I had gone out to Applebees when she came to visit.

So that's what's happened since my last update.  I'm sure there has been more I've left out, but I'll try to update again before Christmas.  There is a lot going on, both my mother and my husband's are coming to visit so we have to get the house ready.  Looking forward to that.  Also have a Christmas party on the 17th!  I can't believe I'm going to a Christmas party!  This is a big deal for me, because I never use to socialize and now I have friends.  I'm sure I'll write about it.