Saturday, September 25, 2010

Out and About

When we moved to this base in 2006, I was about the weight I am now which is around 400lbs.  I could get around a bit, though not as well as I'm getting around now since I'm really putting some serious effort into losing weight, but I could walk and such.  So I spent some time outside and socializing with the neighbors, but not much. 

Once we moved onto the base a few months after getting here, I pretty much became a shut in and didn't leave my house after.  So for the next 4 years or so, while gaining all that extra weight that prevented me from doing things as simple as being able to walk, I didn't want to go out and socialize and meet my neighbors or make friends.  Now as I'm losing the weight I am so over that.

The weight is coming off and yeah, it might only be 60 pounds or so but I feel good, I don't want to be sitting in my damn house, I want to be outside and I want to know people and I want to be social.  Hello, world, I want to know you!  It helps that I have some damn good medications for the first time in my life for my mood disorder, too, but being in a good place with my weight loss and knowing what's coming for my future and where I'm going with my body plays a huge part in this as well.

So last night, I let my dog out in the backyard and my neighbor was outside with some of her friends having a get together and she invited me over.  I did try to refuse at first, but she got me over.  It was around 10:30 and so I went over and people came and went and I socialized and didn't feel like people were judging me or staring at me.  In fact, people were friendly, talked to me, remembered my name and had conversations with me.  I had such a great time!

You can't imagine my shock when I got back inside and it was 5:30 in the morning.  Yeah, it was a little surprising.  But it was so much fun.  There was a nice fire pit, some (controlled) drinking, some (low) music and some sitting around and great conversation.  Didn't matter that these people knew each other and shared stories that I didn't know because they took the time to say things like, "Wait, Rachael doesn't know the back story!  You have to tell her so she knows what's going on."  I felt included and it was great.

When it was just some of us girls for part of the night, we actually talked about weight issues, because some of the girls, and my neighbor particularly, are a bit heavy.  None like myself, but that was ok I didn't feel uncomfortable because I'm proud of what I've done for myself and I had really great reception of what I had done on my own.  My neighbor said that as soon as her husband got back from Afghanistan she'd start walking with me, too!  I'm excited about that.  The only reason why she can't now is because she has three children (and could you imagine trying to bring along three small kids with you on a walk)?

In addition to this, I've decided that on payday I'm going to go to Curves and get myself a membership.  Yeah, I could just go to the base gym for free, but right now I would fee more comfortable being around just woman. Also, I was thinking I could meet some more non-military woman that I could be friends with.  I hope so, anyway.  The prospect of getting out of the house more often really seems so nice.  I just really want to be more social.

I found out last night that there is a karaoke bar out in town.  I haven't done karaoke since I lived in NY.  I might ask the woman next door and some of the others I met to come out with me some night.  I'd like to sing again.  That would be a lot of fun.

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