Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Clean ALL the things!"

First, I have to point out that my title is blatantly stolen from a blogger that I enjoy reading, Hyperbole and a Half.  The particular strip I borrowed it from makes me laugh and I use it as a pick-me-up when I'm feeling overwhelmed from the stuff.  You know what the stuff is.

Life is the stuff.  Recently though, the stuff hasn't been getting me down quiet as badly as it has been.  Maybe it's because I'm almost at the 50lbs mark for weight loss and it's easier to move around.  It could be that I feel good about myself for sticking to this or for learning about what triggers things like binge eating and for getting off my butt and doing something about my issues that led to being this big.  Maybe it's a combination of all of the above.

The motivation doesn't just end at working on myself though.  You should see my house!  Every day since Sunday I have been working on a small area of the house, completely cleaning it from top to bottom.  It's like I just moved in.  It's been neglected for so long because I just 1) couldn't get motivated to move and 2) even if I had any energy to move, my weight was stopping me. 

In the beginning, I would constantly question myself, when would I noticed a change in how I feel?  It wasn't until I started exercising that I noticed any real change.  Exercising improved my mood, gave me more energy, made my legs stronger and in return I was able to do more, such as stand for longer periods of time and walk further.  Those things made me feel good, especially the standing and the walking, since I couldn't do those for more than a few steps or a few moments in the beginning.

Ok, now I'm not suddenly some fitness buff.  I'm not working out for hours a day.  Right now I'm replacing my exercising with some severe house cleaning and my dietitian said when I saw her on Wednesday, that was good because I was still moving around and I'm actually cleaning house a lot longer than I would be just exercising.  Don't think house cleaning doesn't raise my heart rate or break a sweat.  I am scrubbing floors and walls and running the vacuum and breaking a sweat.  Ew.

Anyway, I feel like I might have gotten a bit off track here.  I'm losing weight, I'm more motivated because I've lost weight, losing weight and weigh less.  Speaking of being motivated, I'm getting antsy here and I really need to go get some vacuuming done.  The house doesn't clean itself and the dog hair on the stairs is waiting.  In fact, I'm pretty sure those clumps of hair have been there long enough that they may have formed into sentient life forms.  I believe they're voting on a President this week.  Better go nip that in the bud.

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