Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You Want Me To Do What With My Feet?

So Tuesday morning my husband had to leave at 5 a.m. for P.T.  He usually goes, does his morning workout then comes home in time to get my son to the bus stop which is down the street from the house.  It's within walking distance but North Carolina heat is unforgiving, even at 6:30 a.m. So, he drives the kiddo down there and they wait in the air conditioned car until the bus arrives anywhere between 6:38 - 7:00.  Thanks for keeping a reliable schedule city school district!

Well, as usual, I had gotten my little monster up and dressed and we were waiting for my husband to get home and I casually looked at the clock only to notice it was 6:29.  Panic mode!  I had to now walk my child down to the bus stop which I had never done and did not know if I was physically capable of doing. 

After convincing my child that dad was not there nor was the car, we started walking down the street to the bus stop.  I honestly can't tell you how far it is. I pass four housing units at least, which tells you absolutely nothing.  I was fine until about the last 50 feet or so from the bus stop, then my lower back and back of my legs were on fire.  Thankfully, I made it and sat my butt on the curb and read Bradley a book until the bus arrived. 

When it left, I walked home and was doing great until right about when I reached my driveway and experienced that same pain as before.  Not a big deal since I was right there and could go inside and rest before starting my house cleaning.  I spent most of the day contemplating doing it again tomorrow. 

Now, it wasn't pleasant discovering that I could walk that far at the last moment so I could get the kiddo on the bus, but it was exciting to be able to do it.  I am going to go ahead and make it a daily routine now.  Every morning I will walk my child down to the bus stop.  The only thing stopping me from picking him up is the temperature in the afternoon.  During the summer months we frequently have daily heat warnings to stay indoors which is just crazy so I'll wait until the weather cools to add afternoon walks.

Hopefully, after a couple weeks of doing this, it will build up the muscles in my legs and lower back so that short distance wont hurt as much and it'll help burn some more calories than just house cleaning alone will do.  Then maybe a walk around the block will be in my future?  I'm feeling optimistic about that!

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