Monday, August 16, 2010

Two Days A Week

Normally, I do my daily posts the night before, which is why it always looks like I'm posting at three in the morning.  Rather sneaky of me, isn't it?  I completely forgot last night.  But I did not forget my homework assignment this weekend, which was to add something to my daily routine this week to boost my daily activity.

I am by no means lounging around like I once did, I've noticed.  My house is gorgeous, I'm mostly caught up on laundry and this Friday my brand new book shelf arrived.  This weekend my husband and I put it together and even unpacked our closet that had things inside it for so many years that I had moments that I went, "Wow, I haven't seen that since I was XX years old!"  Embarrassing for me, let me tell you, though not quite as embarrassing as finding pay stubs from my very first job when I was 15.  I believe that minimum wage then was $4.35 an hour.  We promptly went out, bought a paper shredder and I spent five hours shredding paper.

Ok, trip down memory lane aside, I decided that I would start taking my son to the park on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Now my husband usually does bonding time with our son after dinner on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after dinner when the temperature drops so no one is dying of the heat.  I figured that I could do the other two days of the week and the weekends could continue to be the family days.  That will give dad some much needed time to himself at night, too.

I'm not sure I'll be starting this tomorrow, however, as my son is going to get some dental work done and I'm not sure how he'll be feeling.  Since he has to be put under for it, he might not be feeling his best.  I'll go if he indicates he wants to, though.

I think this will be good for me, since I have such an issue with going out in public and dealing with people staring at me because of my weight.  It's going to take a long time for me to get the weight off, and I'm getting really sick and tired of being indoors.  I can't put off going outside until I lose another 200+ pounds.  The thin people on this base will just have to just get use to seeing a fat person outside and for me, I'll have to get use to people looking at me while losing weight.  I am losing the weight, and I just need to keep reminding myself that.

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