Friday, August 13, 2010

Staying On Track

Thursday was great.  I did what I said I would do and walked Bradley to the bus stop and back home again.  Felt a little easier and I will continue to do this daily as long as it doesn't rain.  Unfortunately the bus stop doesn't have any kind of protective cover, so I wouldn't want him standing out in the rain, even with an umbrella.  Though I don't think there is any chance of rain any time soon, so no worries there.

I came home and cleaned up, keeping on top of my chores.  It's nice to be able to have the energy to do these kinds of things now which I can attribute to both a combination of new medication, strength from moving around more, an easier time moving around from weight loss and increased energy. 

Now I need to start focusing on things I want to work on next.  I need some new goals.  It's great that I've started walking Bradley down to the bus stop and have been able to start keeping up on my house and getting things in order, but now I need to start adding more things to the list of responsibilities that I'd like to be able to do again.  I'm not sure what those are.  I think my task for this weekend for myself will be to think about it.  I don't want to overwhelm myself, so maybe for now it will just be one or two small things.

Whatever it is, I just want to make sure that I don't allow myself to get comfortable and become stagnant water.  I must continue to improve by pushing my limits and I am ready to do that now.  We'll see what I come up with over the weekend.  Enjoy yours and see you next week!

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