Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Viva La Revolución!

My body has decided to rebel against me for some reason.  I went to the walk-in base clinic today for another flare up of the cellulitis in my leg, same place as before.  While I had taken all my antibiotic last month, it hadn't cleared up fully but when I saw my RN and asked her for another round of antibiotics, she said she felt it wasn't necessary.  That didn't sit well with me, but I'm suppose to be able to trust my health care provider so I believed her when she said that the rest should clear up on its own since I had already finished a 10 day prescription.

So anyway, I have another prescription here for the second flare up and once again, I am to remain off of my leg and not aggravate it while it heals.  Now aside from this adding to my already immense dislike for doctors in general, it adds to my frustration for my weight loss.

Last month when I couldn't do anything during the cellulitis problem, I gained four pounds even though I was eating less and was upset about it because I couldn't be active even though I wanted to be.  Now I have to go through all that again.  I don't want to be laying down and elevating my leg.  I want to be out walking my son to the bus stop, taking him to the park, cleaning my house, moving around.  I do not want to be laying down, sitting on my arse with my leg up and I do not want to be resting.

In a week I go to see my dietitian for a follow up appointment and I'll have no weight loss to show for it because I'll be too busy laying on the couch and not losing weight because I have to rest.  Being sick/injured makes me angry almost to an unreasonable level.  I think the only positive thing I can say about it right now is at least I don't want to shove food in my mouth over it.  Although I do need to get off the computer and go elevate my leg now that I'm home from the hospital.

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